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If you often open a lot of applications at once, a virtual desktop program can help you keep all those windows on your desktop organized. A virtual desktop program allows you to put open applications into separate virtual desktops, cutting down on your desktop clutter.

如果您经常一次打开许多应用程序,则虚拟桌面程序可以帮助您将桌面上的所有这些窗口保持井井有条。 虚拟桌面程序允许您将打开的应用程序放入单独的虚拟桌面,从而减少桌面混乱。

We’ve collected links to and information about several free virtual desktop managers you can use to organize your Windows desktop.


得宝 (Dexpot)

is a free (for personal use) virtual desktop manager that allows you to organize open programs on your desktop using up to 20 separate virtual desktops. You can set rules that determine on which desktops applications end up when launched. Each desktop can have its own wallpaper and screen resolution, as well. Navigation among the desktops is easy and Dexpot provides multiple ways to do this, including keyboard shortcuts, small thumbnails of your active desktops, and a full-screen preview of all desktops.

是一个免费的(供个人使用)虚拟桌面管理器,它允许您使用多达20个单独的虚拟桌面来组织桌面上的打开程序。 您可以设置规则,确定启动后在哪些桌面应用程序上运行。 每个桌面也可以具有自己的墙纸和屏幕分辨率。 在桌面之间导航很容易,并且Dexpot提供了多种方法来执行此操作,包括键盘快捷键,活动桌面的小缩略图以及所有桌面的全屏预览。

You can also extend the functionality of Dexpot using .


For more information about using Dexpot, see our .

有关使用Dexpot的更多信息,请参见我们的 。


另一个Desktop Manager 3D(Yod'm 3D) (Yet an other Desktop Manager 3D (Yod’m 3D))

  is a virtual desktop manager for Windows that offers a cube-style desktop switching feature. You can customize the background of the cube and the command used to rotate the cube and you can choose to run Yod’m 3D when Windows starts. Yod’m 3D does not need to be installed. Simply run the program and access the options from the system tray icon popup menu.

是Windows的虚拟桌面管理器,提供了多维数据集样式的桌面切换功能。 您可以自定义多维数据集的背景和用于旋转多维数据集的命令,并且可以选择在Windows启动时运行Yod'm 3D。 无需安装Yod'm 3D。 只需运行该程序并从系统任务栏图标弹出菜单访问选项。


虚拟尺寸 (Virtual Dimension)

is a free, fast virtual desktop manager for Windows with a lot of useful features. It allows you to have an unlimited number of desktops and to set different settings, such as wallpaper, desktop background color, and name, for each desktop. You can also move a window to a different desktop and have specific windows be available on all desktops. The hotkeys for operating the program are also customizable.

是Windows的免费,快速的虚拟桌面管理器,具有许多有用的功能。 它使您可以拥有无​​限数量的桌面,并可以为每个桌面设置不同的设置,例如墙纸,桌面背景颜色和名称。 您也可以将窗口移至其他桌面,并在所有桌面上提供特定的窗口。 也可以自定义操作程序的热键。

Other useful features of Virtual Dimension include the ability to make any window be “always on top,” minimize any window to the system tray, and the ability to use drag-and-drop to move a window to another desktop.

Virtual Dimension的其他有用功能包括:使任何窗口始终位于“顶部”,最小化系统托盘中的任何窗口以及使用拖放功能将窗口移动到另一个桌面的能力。


VirtuaWin (VirtuaWin)

is a free virtual desktop manager for Windows that allows you to organize your applications onto four virtual desktops, or “workspaces.” It is highly customizable and extensible. VirtuaWin allows you to customize settings for each desktop separately, including the wallpaper and which icons on each desktop are enabled and disabled. You can also move windows to different desktops and select windows to always show on all desktops.

是Windows的免费虚拟桌面管理器,可让您将应用程序组织到四个虚拟桌面或“工作区”上。 它是高度可定制和可扩展的。 VirtuaWin允许您分别自定义每个桌面的设置,包括墙纸以及每个桌面上启用和禁用的图标。 您还可以将窗口移至其他桌面,并选择窗口以始终在所有桌面上显示。

VirtuaWin is extensible using their large library of , including one that allows you to track how much time you spend in each virtual desktop. This could be useful if you use a different desktop for each project you are working on. You can also to replace the default taskbar icon set.

VirtuaWin可使用其庞大的库进行扩展,其中包括一个库,可让您跟踪在每个虚拟桌面上花费的时间。 如果您为正在处理的每个项目使用不同的桌面,这可能会很有用。 您还可以以替换默认任务栏图标集。

VirtuaWin is also available in a portable version that allows you to easily use it on multiple computers.



nSpaces (nSpaces)

allows you to use multiple virtual desktops in Windows in which you can have different applications open. You can name each desktop; the names are shown on the space switcher. Each virtual desktop can have a custom wallpaper or background image and a password to protect your space. nSpaces has customizable hotkeys for each desktop you create. You can also drag and drop applications into each virtual desktop on the space switcher.

允许您在Windows中使用多个虚拟桌面,在其中可以打开不同的应用程序。 您可以为每个桌面命名; 名称显示在空间切换器上。 每个虚拟桌面可以具有自定义的墙纸或背景图像以及用于保护空间的密码。 nSpaces为您创建的每个桌面都有可自定义的热键。 您还可以将应用程序拖放到空间切换器上的每个虚拟桌面中。


Finestra虚拟桌面 (Finestra Virtual Desktops)

is an easy-to-use virtual desktop manager for Windows that allows you to set up an unlimited number of desktops only limited by the amount of memory in your computer. The program uses thumbnail window previews in Windows 7 and Vista (Finestra also works in XP) to provide full-screen previews of all your desktops in the window manager/switcher. You can use the number keys on the number pad for up to 9 of your desktops, as well as hotkeys for sending windows to other desktops.

是适用于Windows的易于使用的虚拟桌面管理器,可让您设置数量不受计算机内存限制的无限数量的桌面。 该程序在Windows 7和Vista中使用缩略图窗口预览(Finestra在XP中也适用)在窗口管理器/切换器中提供所有桌面的全屏预览。 您最多可以使用数字键盘上的数字键来配置9个台式机,也可以使用热键将窗口发送到其他台式机。

Other useful features include multiple monitor support, a system tray icon with a menu containing items for every desktop, an option to have one system tray icon per desktop, sticky windows that display on all desktops, a different background in each desktop, and rules for locking programs onto desktops.



三层桌面 (Tri-Desk-A-Top)

is a free virtual desktop manager for Windows that provides three virtual desktops activated using system tray icons or pre-defined hotkeys. Each desktop can be accessed using a small, numbered icon on the system tray. You can also cycle through the desktops using hotkeys and move open application windows to different desktops. When you select a window on the currently active desktop, additional options are available, including Minimize, Maximize, Restore, Bring to Front, Close, and Kill.

是Windows的免费虚拟桌面管理器,提供了三个使用系统任务栏图标或预定义的热键激活的虚拟桌面。 可以使用系统托盘上带有编号的小图标访问每个桌面。 您还可以使用热键在桌面之间循环,并将打开的应用程序窗口移至其他桌面。 在当前活动的桌面上选择一个窗口时,将提供其他选项,包括“最小化”,“最大化”,“还原”,“置于最前”,“关闭”和“杀死”。

Tri-Desk-A-Top requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later to install and run. If the .NET Framework is not installed on your computer, the installation process opens a browser to the Microsoft website where you can download and install it.

Tri-Desk-A-Top需要Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0或更高版本才能安装和运行。 如果您的计算机上未安装.NET Framework,则安装过程将打开浏览器到Microsoft网站,您可以在其中下载并安装它。

The Tri-Desk-A-Top website provides additional information about available hotkeys for navigating and moving windows among the three desktops.



桌面 (mDesktop)

is a lightweight virtual desktop manager for Windows that provides up to 10 virtual desktops to organize your open applications and folders. You can use hotkeys to navigate among the desktops, move windows among the desktops, and specify certain open programs or folders to be available on all desktops. It’s a portable program that does not need to be installed. Simply run the program and right-click on the system tray icon to access the desktops and options for the program. You can also hide the system tray icon.

是Windows的轻型虚拟桌面管理器,最多提供10个虚拟桌面来组织打开的应用程序和文件夹。 您可以使用热键在各桌面之间导航,在各桌面之间移动窗口以及指定某些可在所有桌面上使用的打开程序或文件夹。 这是一个可移植的程序,不需要安装。 只需运行该程序,然后右键单击系统任务栏图标,即可访问该程序的桌面和选项。 您也可以隐藏系统任务栏图标。

For more information about using mDesktop, see our .

有关使用mDesktop的更多信息,请参阅我们的 。


Xilisoft多个桌面 (Xilisoft Multiple Desktops)

is a free virtual desktop manager for Windows that allows you to create up to nine multiple desktops and switch among them using customizable hotkeys, numbers keys, or mouse clicks. You can also arrange the desktops on a virtual screen and protect each desktop with a password.

是Windows的免费虚拟桌面管理器,它允许您创建多达九个多个桌面,并使用可自定义的热键,数字键或鼠标单击在它们之间切换。 您还可以将桌面布置在虚拟屏幕上,并用密码保护每个桌面。


屏幕它 (Screen-It)

is a free, simple virtual desktop program for 32-bit Windows systems that allows you to have two virtual desktops to group your open programs. You can also launch programs automatically when Screen-It starts into a new virtual desktop using Screen-It’s Job Maker tool.

是一个免费的简单虚拟桌面程序,用于32位Windows系统,它允许您有两个虚拟桌面来对打开的程序进行分组。 您也可以使用Screen-It的Job Maker工具在Screen-It启动到新的虚拟桌面时自动启动程序。


If you’ve found other useful virtual desktop programs, let us know.





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